Sunday, February 10, 2013

Lewis and I: What do you feel when somebody mentions Jesus name...

Lewis and I: What do you feel when somebody mentions Jesus name...: Well I haven't been able to post anything for awhile. Busy doing other things. I'm sure no one noticed... so I thought I better write someth...

What do you feel when somebody mentions Jesus name?

Well I haven't been able to post anything for awhile. Busy doing other things. I'm sure no one noticed... so I thought I better write something about the 3 chapters I read.

Chapters 7-9 of book 2.

In chapter 7, Lewis tells how, "at the name of Aslan each one felt something jump inside." We read later in chapter 9 that Edmund had a horrible feeling when he heard the name of Aslan, while the other children had a lovely feeling.

This gets me thinking... How do I respond when I hear the name of Jesus? Does my heart jump with joy or do I get a horrible feeling in my heart? I think how one responds to Jesus' name tells much about that person. Those who claim an allegiance with Jesus most likely would jump at the mention of His name. The opposite is true as well.

Names are interesting. I never really thought about the name of Cheryl until I met my wife. Not sure if I knew anyone with that name growing up. So the first time I heard that name not much happened in my heart. Now it is a different story. If I am in a conversation and someone mentions the name, I immediately think of my wife.  If I am helping a customer and her name happens to be Cheryl, I think of my wife and my heart is warmed. Hope this isn't getting too sappy, it is almost valentines day.

I think you get where I am going, names have a connection in out brains and hearts. Edmund didn't share the same feelings as the other children because his heart was filled with darkness. He was succumbing to the witches wishes and therefor fear instead of joy filled his heart, at the sound of the name of Aslan.

So the question I leave you with is this: What does your heart feel when you hear the name of Jesus?