Sunday, March 3, 2013

Lewis and I: Aslan's sacrifice

Lewis and I: Aslan's sacrifice: Aslan's sacrifice near the end of Lion, Witch, and the Wardrobe somehow caught me off guard. I wasn't expecting it even though I had...

Aslan's sacrifice

Aslan's sacrifice near the end of Lion, Witch, and the Wardrobe somehow caught me off guard. I wasn't expecting it even though I had seen the movie, I didn't remember that part. I found it interesting that the girls followed Aslan and even watched the sacrifice. Much like the women around the cross of Jesus.  Reading this passage a few days ago, in the season of lent, I was moved.

The description of Aslan's sacrifice, was very similar to the Gospel accounts of Jesus's death. As I read I pictured myself standing near the cross and seeing my friend and teacher dying. I am by nature a sensitive person. I will admit, I cry at Hallmark commercials. Yet reading this passage, I was reminded again of the cost of my sin. Jesus forgave our sin. Reflect on that statement. It is easy to focus on the first two words. It is true and a wonderful thought, that Jesus forgives. Some stay their focus right there. They focus on how Jesus forgave them. They are free from the slavery of sin because of Jesus.

We can't forget the other two words: our sin. Jesus death and pain was real. All the suffering was for our sin. Our sin was not forgotten about. It was dealt with, by Jesus dying a real death.

I trust during this Easter/ Lent season you will take time to think about Jesus' death and resurrection.
When Aslan dies it is a terrible time in Narnia. It doesn't last for long. Aslan comes back to life and the children start their reign.