Monday, June 30, 2014

Lewis and I: Satan's real goal

Lewis and I: Satan's real goal: Letter V "...the real business of undermining faith and preventing the formation of virtues." 1 Peter 5:8 "...the Devi...

Satan's real goal

Letter V
"...the real business of undermining faith and preventing the formation of virtues."

1 Peter 5:8 "...the Devil is prowling around like a roaring lion looking for anyone he can devour." 

Satan’s real goal

Satan's real goal is to undermine our faith. He will do everything he can to get us to lose our faith in God. 

Peter's original readers would have thought of those lions that other believers were being feed too, no doubt. Satan is not our friend. He is out to hurt us in anyway he can. Don't be fooled. There is a real spiritual battle going on in this world and even though Satan knows he will not ultimately win, he is trying to bring as many down as he can with him.

So how does Satan undermine your faith? Makes you doubt that you are loved and accepted by God. Makes you fearful of the future. Makes you question if God is near you. Makes you wonder if your prayers are really answered.  Makes you envy those who don’t believe in God and supposedly have a “better life.” Any of these sound familiar?

Satan is alway at work in us. Usually attacking us through our mind and heart. That is why we need the belt of Truth, helmet of Salvation, breastplate of righteousness and the shield of faith (Ephesians 6). They protect us from Satan’s ever present attacks whose aim is to undermine our faith.

So be alert. Be ready. Be prepared. Don't be lazy in your spiritual life. Are you preparing yourself by daily studying God's word? Are you praying for a God led heart for the day? Are you preparing yourself for the lies of Satan that will come your way today?

Take up your armor and be ready to fight.

Monday, February 10, 2014

Lewis and I: Desire to Pray

Lewis and I: Desire to Pray: Desire to Pray Letter IV of Screwtape letters by CS Lewis "It is funny how mortals always picture us as putting things into the...

Saturday, February 8, 2014

Desire to Pray

Desire to Pray

Letter IV of Screwtape letters by CS Lewis
"It is funny how mortals always picture us as putting things into their minds: in reality our best work is done by keeping things out."

Interesting twist by C.S. Lewis. Most of us would most likely think that the devil is encouraging our minds with bad desires. Lewis says, instead of focusing on fueling our bad desires, keeping out of our minds the things God wants us to do, is the business of Satan. Maybe that is why prayer is so hard for so many believers. In fact, most polls find pthat even among pastors, the number one spiritual discipline that is the hardest to keep up is prayer. 

Prayer is a discipline and the devil is working hard at keeping us from it. As of this writing, the Winter Olympics are just about to get started.  Each one of those athletes from all over the world have worked hard to get to the Olympics. They didn’t decide last month to compete and then show up. They have worked hard for many years. It’s called discipline.

Spiritual disciplines are just like physical disciplines, we need to work at them. They don’t just happen. Satan works hard at keeping the desire to pray, serve, and read out of our minds and hearts. If we persist enough, he will lose. Do you want Satan to lose? Of course you do. So keep in mind, Philippians 4:8, " Finally brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable-if there is any moral excellence and if any praise-dwell on these things."

We fail at these things because we don't feel led to do them. Spiritual disciplines are just that, disciplines. We need to work at them. Just like athletes that do a drill over and over again. When the competition starts they don’t have to stop and think about the drill, they just do it. If we wait for our feelings to get us to start praying, we will be waiting for awhile. We need to start praying. Maybe a minute a day and then add as you go, but start now. Discipline takes time and don't forget there is someone(Satan) trying to stop you in doing them.

Let me encourage this day to pray. Need something to pray about? I am sure there is more then enough things in this world alone. Don’t let Satan keep you from praying.

Monday, January 27, 2014

Sunday, January 26, 2014

Heavenly minded

Letter III
"Keeping his mind on the inner life."

This is Screwtape's advice to Wormwood. It reminds me of the phrase, "Too heavenly minded to be of any earthly good." This can be a problem. You may not think so. You don't think of yourself as too heavenly minded. In fact you may think of yourself as too earthly minded. How about this? How many non Christ believing friends do you have? I mean friends, not just people you know. How often do you interact with people that don't believe the way you do? 

You go to church, go to bible study, your kids are home schooled by you or go to a Christian school, you listen to Christian radio, buy things at a Christian store, eat at Chick-fli-a. You get the picture. By the way. I must say none of these things are bad. In fact I do most of them.

The question we need to ask ourselves is how are we impacting others for Christ? If you neighbors aren't believers how are you befriending them? Is it just out of obligation or is it from the heart? We should not isolate ourselves from this world. Mark 16:15 " Go into the world..."
Also in Jesus' prayer for the disciples recorded for us in John 17, it is clear that Christ believing followers are to be in the world but not of it.  Today we are either not of this world or not in it. 

Once again it comes down to balance. How do we balance being heavenly minded with being earthly good?

Sunday, January 19, 2014