Wednesday, November 6, 2013

"Do you feel sufficient...?"

I am back to reading the Chronicles of Narnia. I took a long break, but am now back to trying to finish my goal of reading through all the books before the end of the year. I think my last entry was when I finished The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe. Well I did read through The Horse and His Boy and didn't find much there. Prince Caspian got interesting again. Towards the end of the book Aslan asks Prince Caspian a question, which is the main point of this entry.

Here is the question: "Do you feel yourself sufficient to take up the Kingship of Narnia?" The question is posed by Aslan to Prince Caspian. What follows is that Caspian says no, and is praised by Aslan for that answer. Aslan responds, "If you had felt yourself sufficient, it would have been proof that you were not."

So here is my question: Are we as followers of Christ ever to feel sufficient? Where is the line between taking pride in our ability and relying on God for our abilities? How much of the time do we think about God working through us? Must we always feel insufficient? How much is our own learning, our own skill gaining, and our own experience?

I am a songwriter. I write songs. I make up a melody, come up with chords, and think up some lyrics. Not always in that order. Now when the song is done, was it my work? Sure I was inspired by God in some fashion, but was it my work or God's work? I have heard songs written by people that use the line, "God gave me this song" and to be honest the song is not that good. So by giving credit to God for a song that is not that good in the first place, are we insulting God?

Back to Caspian. He had just won the battle. He was about to be King. It was his leadership and determination that lead the way. Yet he knew that unless Aslan was with him, he couldn't succeed.

So how do we balance these two aspects in our lives. How do we give glory to God through what we do on a daily basis?

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