Sunday, January 5, 2014

Thoughts from Screwtape letters

As I start these new post about C.S.Lewis Screwtape Letters I am enduring the one of worst cold spells here in Minnesota, USA. So it is ironic to start to think about a book about Satan who dwells in the lake of fire. My plan is to find one or more quotes from each letter and then comment on them adding a verese or two from scripture. Hope you enjoy.


"One is to disbelieve in their existence. The other is to believe, and to feel an excessive and unhealthy interest in them."

Which way do you lean?

At the beginning of a book on Satan, Lewis reminds us that there are two ways of thinking about Satan. We are in need of this reminder even now, some  70 plus years later.  Do we make too much of Satan or disregard him altogether? This is the reality of where we live. Some will try to find Satan under every rock, while others will ignore his everyday workings. Scripture reminds us that balance in this area is essential.

2 Corinthians 2:11 "I have done this so that we may not be taken advantage of by Satan. For we are not ignorant of his schemes." 

Paul obviously thought that Satan was real and his schemes are real too.

James 4:7 "Therfore, submit to God. But resist the Devil, and he will flee from you."

James, the leader of the early church, definitely believes that Satan is real. The advice that we are given here, is foundational. Yes we will be attacked by Satan, but there is a way out, submit to God.  

Wayne Grudem in Systematic Theology, reminds us that Satan's work is to "destroy every work of a God." You are a work of God and Satan wants to destroy you. Satan doesn't bother with those who are not a threat, but rather to those who have chosen to reject Satan and follow God. 
We need balance in our understanding of who Satan is and isn't.  There is a real spiritual battle going on. We need not give Satan more attention then he deserves yet we need to treat his attacks seriously.

What do you think?


  1. Good points. I also think there is a distinction between what is Satan at work versus us just living in our flesh. I think Satan leaves alone those who are content to live in their flesh and not wholeheartedly put to death their flesh. Many Christians think their flesh is Satan at work when I believe this is simply Christians not wanting to put to death their selfishness and fleshly lives. The people who are actively doing these things are the ones I would see as getting Satan's attention and receiving attacks from him. It's been a long time since I read Screwtape Letters. It would be a good re-read!

  2. Thanks Melanie for your comments. I agree with the notion that Satan is concerned more with Christians trying to die to self than those who aren't. When we feel Satan is attacking us, maybe it is because we are doing what is right.
