Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Well, I have made it through the first 2 chapters and can't wait to find out what happens next. Being slightly claustrophobic the first pages were unsettling. It would make for a interesting scene in a movie, but I guess that what books are for. Let your mind create the scene for you, not Hollywood.

I would like to note some interesting words and phrases that I found.
Coiner- one who makes coins usually fake.
Going to sea- very British phrase, referring to getting out of the city for the summer. It might be like some here in Minnesota go to the cabin for the summer.
Ginger-beer- carbonated drink, maybe
 like cola?
Dead silent- this phrase I have heard many times, but it struck me this time. It seams redundant. If something is dead then it is already silent. Maybe extra emphasis?
Old buffer- meaning old bumbling man.

So what's up with the colored rings? Is there a significance to the colors? Is there a reason why the yellow one is when you go to another place? Just wondering.

Some quotes from chapter 2.
"Men like me, who possess hidden wisdom, are freed from common rules just as we are cut off from common pleasures. Ours, my boy, is a high and lonely destiny."  Is C.S. Lewis referring to himself here by any chance?

Another quote:  " No great wisdom can be reached without sacrifice." I found that to be very true. Too often in our modern world, we want everything without sacrifice.

Well there are some thoughts from the first 2 chapters of The Magician's Nephew.


  1. ahh - you are starting with the chronological story version instead of the publication story version (I believe). Most people start with "Lion, Witch" but "Magician's" is the start of the story. Is this your first time reading them?

    1. I have read parts here and there. But this is my first time to read the whole thing.
