Monday, January 7, 2013

Chapters 6-10

I was in a hurry to find out if Digory and Polly made it back to London or not. Alas, it took a few days to get some reading time. So as I was waiting to have work done on my van, I read.

Indeed they do get back to Uncle Andrew's office, but the wicked witch or Queen comes with! The story gets interesting as Uncle Andrew can't believe his magic actually worked. Of course she was not suppose to come and Digory and Polly are trying to figure out how to get her back. In this confusion that the Queen gets out of the house and causes more problems. Uncle Andrew we found out likes to have his drinks. Lewis, being this is a kids book, explains wine as "nasty, grown-up drink." Which I suppose it would seem.

About this time Polly goes back to her home to face punishment from her mom. She is told she will have her supper with, "all the nice parts left out." Not exactly sure what that means, but most likely dessert? or maybe conversation? But she is then sent to her room for several hours. Lewis comments that this was somehow normal. Interesting comment. Were all the kids naughty? Or was this just how punishment was passed out?  I supposed can't take away the iPod. Or the TV.

Towards the end of chapter 7 Digory is said to "set his teeth."  Interesting way of saying grit your teeth. I suppose you bring you teeth together when you are setting them to make a mold. I can't say I have heard that expression much.

I forgot to tell you that Digory does get back to the woods between the worlds but he brings others along. Trying to get the witch back, this time Uncle Andrew along with Polly, plus a few others also come along. It seems if Digory would have just gone back right away with out trying to explore other pools, none of this would have happened. Of course we would have no story then. 

We found out about the beginning of Narnia. It begins in darkness. Or nothingness. Finally some stars, and a song. In fact we see the power of song in the hymn of thankfulness song in this land of nothingness. Things start to change and the Lion appears. The animals start to talk.

The end of chapter 9... "Narnia, Narnia, Narnia awake. Love. Think. Speak." I love the progression of love, think, and speak. Sometimes we think too much  before we love. And we speak way too much before we love or think.

Let me make a few comments about chapter 10 and then this post needs to be done. I thought it was interesting that the beast have choices to make. Only the ones who choose were able to speak. It some who reminded me of when Jesus talks about what you have done and not done for me. Our actions speak louder then our words.

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